Flurgle from Goyster 9 - 8.5” x 11” print

Flurgle from Goyster 9 - 8.5” x 11” print

$15.00 - $25.00

8.5" x 11" art print. Signed by the artist. Original work was created using alcohol ink on marker paper.

"It’s not everyday that a Flurgle from Goyster 9 invites you back to her dwelling for an evening of romance. If you accept, just be sure to tighten any external sphincters before stepping through the portal, or your insides will soon become your outsides. If you decline, prepare for a fight to the death."

This is a high-quality printed copy of an original artwork drawn with alcohol ink on marker paper in 2022. A totally sick scanner was used to capture the original color of the artwork and reproduce it on sturdy piece of 100# C Lynx White paper.

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